District Health Services

District Health Services

For questions regarding student health services or to submit medical paperwork, please contact the health office staff at 859.331.1220 x6705 or healthoffice@beechwood.kyschools.us

Stacie Wethington, RN
School Nurse/District Health Coordinator
859-331-1220  ext. 6705
Fax 859-426-3743
Stacie Wethington
Cherie Brielmaier
Health Assistant
859-331-1220  ext. 6705
Fax 859-426-3743
Cherie Brielmaier
Melissa Pangallo, RN, APRN, PNP
Medical Director/Nurse Practitioner
Melissa Pangallo



KY Health Requirements for School Entry

The state of Kentucky requires that all students complete the following exams upon school entrance.

Kentucky Immunization Law (KRS 158.035) requires a valid up-to-date Kentucky Immunization Certificate prior to entering school.  By law we can only accept Kentucky Immunization Certificates.
All students must have the 2-dose series of Hepatitis A (age: 12 months through 18 years)
If your child is entering the sixth grade, they are required to have a tetanus booster (Tdap) and a Meningococcal vaccine.
If your child is 16 years of age a booster dose of Meningococcal vaccine is required.
Kentucky Law requires each student to have a medical examination* within one year prior to initial entry and before entering the sixth grade.
*The KHSAA sports physical is NOT the same as the Kentucky Preventative Health Care Exam form (if your child plays a sport, they will need BOTH forms).
Kentucky Law requires that all children ages 3, 4, 5, or 6 years enrolled in public school must have an eye exam by an optometrist or ophthalmologist.
Kentucky Law requires that all children ages 5 and 6 enrolled in a public school must have a dental exam prior to entering kindergarten.

In order to be compliant, please obtain and submit the required form/s prior to school start.  Failure to do so may result in your child’s exclusion from school until the necessary documentation has been received. 

Required forms by grade level/age:

Type Age/Grade School Documentation/Form
Physical exam 3, 4, or 5y LINK:  Preschool Forms Click HERE
Vision exam 3, 4, 5 or 6y
Immunization Certificate Varies
Physical exam 3, 4, or 5y LINK: Kintergarten Forms Click HERE
Vision exam 3, 4, 5 or 6y
Dental exam/screening 5 or 6y
Immunization Certificate varies
6th grade
Physical exam 6th grade LINK: Tdap & Meningococcal Vaccine Due Click HERE
Immunization Certificate 6th grade
16 years of age
Immunization Certificate 16y LINK:  Meningococcal Vaccine Due at 16y Click HERE

Required forms for Health Conditions

If your child has a health condition and/or requires daily or emergency medications at school, an updated health plan is required for each new school year.  Please complete the required paperwork as indicated below:

Required Health Plans/Paperwork
Health Condition Form/s Required
Allergy LINK: Allergy Forms Click HERE
Asthma LINK: Asthma Forms Click HERE
Seizure LINK: Seizure Form Click HERE
Diabetes LINK: Diabetes Form Click HERE
Any condition requiring medication at school or on a field trip

LINK: Medications Required at School or Field Trips Click HERE

  • Prescription Medication: Form must be completed/signed by the doctor AND parent
  • Over the Counter Medications: Form must be completed/signed by the parent only


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