In-District Student Registration
Welcome to Beechwood!
Before completing the online registration, please check to make sure that your residence is located in the Beechwood Independent School District.
The list of streets in our district can be found through this link:
LINK: Beechwood Independent District Streets in District
Proof of residency will be required.
If your residence is not located in our district, you may be able to apply as a tuition student. Information regarding applying for tuition status is located below in Residency.
Fields with * are mandatory fields. For example, the language spoken at home is a mandatory field as is the email for a second parent/guardian. If there is no email, there is a ‘Has no email’ button to be checked.
If your child(ren) spends time between 2 households and one is in district and one is not, then the in-district household will need to be the primary household. This does not apply to tuition students.
If you do not have access to a computer to register, or if you need help, please feel free to contact either the elementary school or the high school at (859) 331-1220.
Online Registration:
Please be sure you have read the information above and verified that you are a resident of the Beechwood Independent School district before clicking the link below. Thank you!